This page gives an overview of the various services Radio Free offers and how to use these features to improve journalism and access to independent media for all.
Print The News

Print and post news in your own community to spread independent media. At the bottom of every news post on, you’ll see a “Print” button. Click that button to print that article with the standard Radio Free newspaper template- including in-line citations.
Leave copies in cafes, waiting rooms, break rooms, bookstores, trains, bulletin boards, or even on walls as wheat pastings. You can print these on regular paper with any printer and disseminate them to make a positive impact in your community.
How to get started? You don’t need anything besides a printer and a stapler. Start printing news and distributing it in your community. It’s as simple as that, and you can be a hero!

When writing a post you can choose to add specific location data to that post using the Map feature found in the Document settings when writing your post in the WordPress editor.
Double click on the map to add a new location, or search using the hourglass icon in the top right corner of the map. You can set multiple locations for each post, and manage those locations below the map. Click the “-” icon to remove a location. This feature works best when you set a featured image for the post.
To view the map on the front end of the website, visit
RSS Feeds
In addition to the news wire, Radio Free offers an RSS feed of all content which can be accessed by visiting
For a specific type of feed, use the options below:
News Wire
Radio Free has operated an open source RSS news wire service since 2010 which provides real-time news updates 24/7 from Independent and trusted sources. The news wire can be accessed by visiting